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Art for Change

Our Environmental Ethos

At What if Paris, our deep connection to the environment is at the core of our identity. As creators of art prints, we are mindful that our primary materials - paper and wood - are precious gifts from nature. This understanding is central to our approach to business and our planetary responsibility.

Understanding our Material Footprint

Our art, made from quality paper and framed with carefully selected wood, owes its existence to the Earth's forests. Acknowledging this, we are committed to responsible material sourcing and contributing positively to the environment.

  • Sustainable Sourcing: We prioritize sustainably managed forests for sourcing our paper and wood, ensuring a reduced environmental impact.
  • Replenishing what we use: Aware of the footprint of natural resource consumption, we've initiated a program that goes beyond merely compensating for this impact, actively enhancing global ecological health.

Our Reforestation Commitment with Eden Reforestation Projects

In a vital partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects, we turn each sale of art into an opportunity for environmental restoration:

  • We Plant Mangrove Trees: Each artwork sold funds the planting of mangroves, key in biodiversity support and carbon sequestration. This not only replenishes the resources we use but also fortifies vital ecosystems.

  • Closing the Loop: This initiative represents a humble effort to connect our art creation with ecological preservation, contributing towards a more sustainable future for our planet.

Aligning Products with Purpose

This commitment is more than corporate responsibility; it's embedded in our essence:

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Planting trees actively reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide, countering emissions from our production.

  • Preserving Ecosystems for Future Generations: Our sustainable use of paper and wood aims to protect natural habitats, ensuring their preservation for future generations.

  • Engaging Customers in Sustainable Practices: Your purchase is not just an aesthetic addition to your space but a step towards a sustainable production and restoration cycle.

Each piece of art you purchase embodies environmental stewardship, sustaining the very resources that enable us to capture the world's beauty.

Our Partnership with Eden


Facing a forest cover of only 8%, they tackle issues like logging, charcoal production, and illegal settlements to increase this significantly below the global average.


In Brazil, their reforestation efforts span thousands of hectares in Goiás, Maranhão, and Piauí, aiming to protect diverse ecosystems including the Amazon and mangrove estuaries.


They address the severe deforestation in Madagascar, where more than 90% of the primary forests have been lost, impacting underserved communities.


Their project in Honduras involves restoring over 11,000 hectares of land devastated by pine beetles and fires, focusing on both biodiversity and community benefits.


In Nepal, where only less than 30% of the forests remain, they work to counteract the severe environmental and societal impacts.


With over 45% of the population living in poverty, their focus is on helping communities reliant on forests and natural resources.

The Philippines

They are addressing the deforestation crisis in the Philippines, where nearly 90% of the original forests have been lost since the 1960s.


Their efforts in Ethiopia include planting trees across 10,000 hectares to rehabilitate landscapes, enhance water resources, and provide community employment.